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Voice Servers / Custom voice solutions

TraiTel employs a universal can-do approach to customer service. If you need something in the realm of Voice, Data, or both, ask us how we can help, and invariably the outcome will not only be positive, but result in significant savings in both time and money over constructing an in-house solution from scratch.

Dedicated application servers with local SIP connection

Need a super-low latency SIP connection? The next level in VoIP quality can be achieved by terminating the calls directly into ISDN channels local to your server.

A variety of hardware is available, including multi-core Xeon processors, and enterprise grade hard drives.

Due to the local connection to SIP, which is terminated directly into the PSTN, your server can enjoy the lowest possible buffer settings, and basically perfect quality calls, over IP.

Call our technical sales team today and let us know what you need, we will be happy to oblige.

Dedicated Voice Servers with ISDN termination

Obtaining ISDN voice channels which suit your needs can be an expensive and difficult exercise, especially when you require more than 2, but less than 30 channels

This is where TraiTel comes in, with hundreds of ISDN channels available, we can supply 1, 15, 200, or any number of dedicated ISDN channels you like directly to your leased server, for as little as $20 per channel.

To enquire further...

To sign up or enquire further about a Hosting solution

Talk to our hosting sales team here.