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Working with SMS databases

Managing your database of numbers for SMS broadcasting is an important job, and if managed correctly should not be overly time-consuming.

One place for your data

One of the key problems many database admins run into is having to maintain the same set of data in multiple places, for multiple applications.

Wherever possible, consolidate your data in to one central database system. If you have multiple systems which need to access the same data in different formats, find a system that can supply the data to all those applications in the correct format, sourced from one central record set.


One place for your data is important, but don't take that advice too literally! Back up all your data regularly.


Scripting languages are freely available to automate every day tasks that might become boring or repetitive, remember what computers were originally invented for!

What format do I need my database file to be in for TraiTel?

When importing all your data into TTMessenger, or Web Messaging, the usual format is the CSV (comma delimited) format. Most database and spreadsheet systems will be able to generate this file format.

What format should the mobile numbers be in?


  • No leading zeroes
  • Country code

Either have the country code added to all your numbers for the Web Messaging custom broadcast tool, or in a separate column for TTMessenger